Recently, a New York Times Op-Ed scolded Westchester County, NY for "slow-walking" a Fair Housing related court decree. The NYT's author overlooked that HUD deserves scolding for its heavy-handed disregard for local rule, property rights and the very dignity of the people they claim to...
I just returned from the high energy Media Row at the 2016 GOP Convention in Cleveland, OH. It was awesome to rub shoulders with the likes of Former Ambassador John Bolton and OK Governor, Mary Fallin. It also gave me the opportunity to reach radio...
Two more counties, Sedgwick, Kansas and Douglas, Colorado joined the surge of communities rejecting grants covered by HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. The radical new regulation expands the agency’s ability to govern local behavior and planning outcomes. Today’s HUD bears little resemblance to the HUD...
Public officials across the nation are discovering that HUD’s new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule jeopardizes local zoning control. HUD is scrambling to deny this with befuddling information. The Federal Register says, “[AFFH] does not impose any land use or zoning laws on any government.” A...
If information is power, Rob Astorino has enough to shatter the administration’s media halo and send HUD officials slithering behind their stacks of regulations. Astorino is the County Executive for Westchester County NY, an upscale community north of NYC that is home to Andrew Cuomo, George...
Senator Mike Lee has proposed an amendment that is likely to come up for a vote this week in the Senate. This would remove the funding for HUD's new rule, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. Under AFFH, HUD has expanded Congress' intent in the Fair Housing Act to enable the...
One challenge local public officials and their advising attorneys face is deciphering the effects of the expanding influence of federal agencies on your community. For example: The complexities of meeting revised requirements for grant applications can be so consuming, it is easy to overlook the larger...
With no congressional approval or a single vote, HUD is enacting the most dangerous scheme for controlling local property rights in our history. Now the agency wants to silence the one whistleblower capable of exposing every aspect of their strategy. We CANNOT let that happen! HUD’s new...
I am excited to announce our new eBook, “Agency Tyranny – How to stop HUD’s Devastating Attack on Property Rights” is now available. In the name of reducing housing discrimination, HUD has greatly expanded its mandate to cover social issues, zoning laws and land use. Their...