The Most Devastating Rule in US History Can Still be Stopped

21 Apr The Most Devastating Rule in US History Can Still be Stopped


The Biden Administration took a massive step toward codifying the core of the Great Reset global power grab with the SEC’s new rule, The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors.

On its surface, the rule requires public companies to track and report the greenhouse gas emissions of themselves and every customer and entity in their supply chain. The rule would affect virtually every company in America. (If you think this will reduce GHG’s, recall how well lockdowns and vaccines eliminated SARS-Cov2.)

This move is the first volley in a barrage that will embed in society a social scoring system that reels in America’s freedoms by controlling their property and finances. We need to let the SEC hear from us during the comment period before the rule is adopted.

Comments to the SEC must be received by May 20, 2022.  

Let the SEC Commissioners know you stand against the proposed rule for the Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors.

Reasons to reject the rule

  • The rule hands power over virtually every American company to an unelected group whose duties are intentionally limited.
  • The compliance costs would be unmanageable and unaffordable by most businesses.
  • Climate Change by definition is too murky and uncertain with unproven mitigations to link  this to financial soundness.

Email comments to [email protected].

Include the file in your subject line:  “File No. S7-10-22″ 

You can attach a PDF, MS Word, or WordPerfect document if desired.


Find more comment information in the Federal Register.

There are several weaknesses we can exploit to neuter the Great Reset. I will be sharing these with you in coming emails. For now, let’s let the SEC know we will not stand by while they commandeer public corporations to do their dirty work of enslaving our great nation.


  • Suzanne Short
    Posted at 03:56h, 06 May Reply

    I am getting a message from my e-mail provider Comcast that the e-mail address [email protected]. is invalid. Could you check this for me so as I can send my opinion regarding this oh so destructive action They wan to put into effect so as to destroy more of our country and humanity. Please let me know if there is another address that can be used. Thanks ou so much. God Bless our America.

    Suzanne Short

  • John Anthony
    Posted at 11:35h, 06 May Reply

    Hi Suzanne,

    I just tried that address and it worked ok. Not sure what is going on with your provider..

    Here is the 1st paragraph of the SEC’s reply…

    “Thank you for submitting a comment to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. This auto-reply message is your notification that we have received your comment letter.”

    Thank you for caring and being involved.

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