22 Aug HUD Moves to Dictate Classroom Diversity
HUD is the ‘gold’ standard of dangerously unchecked bureaucracies. Dangerous because the agency’s zealous moves already threaten property owners’ choices and undermine the authority of local public officials.
Now HUD wants to move that control into the classroom.
In a joint meeting with members from the Departments of Education and Transportation, HUD presented their plan to embed socio-economic diversity in America’s schoolrooms.
Based on controversial reports, often using HUD provided data; the agency concludes that people living in wealthier areas have a better chance for success. Therefore, they reason, to create upward mobility for voucher recipients, HUD must relocate them into affluent neighborhoods and schools.
The agency is pulling three federal departments together to micro-manage the racial, ethnic and economic mix of students in America’s elementary and secondary classrooms.
“Diversity benefits all students in our schools,” said U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr., one of the leaders of the administration’s program. “Students who attend diverse schools will be better prepared to live and work, and be active citizens in today’s world.”
Unfortunately, Sec. King has little idea of what it takes to prepare students. In 2014, he was forced to resign as New York State Commissioner of Education, partially for blaming the failures of his Common Core implementation on “ignorant” children.
Kings performance was so abysmal; New York’s largest teachers union unanimously approved a vote of “no confidence” in his policies. That “failure” is now the US Secretary of Education.
As Jessica McNair, an Oneida County, NY educator commented, “Congress [must] take power out of the hands of the Department of Education. Otherwise, John King will continue to wreak damage on our public school children and their schools.”
McNair’s remarks were prescient.
Rather than promote education, King wants to transplant HUD recipients into more upscale “areas of opportunity.”
Under the Obama administration’s progressive educational approach, local control of education is a dinosaur. Reading, writing and arithmetic are incidental. Diversity is their new key to prosperity.
HUD proposes the development of regional Equity Assistance Centers to provide technical assistance to school districts to increase socioeconomic diversity and desegregate their schools.
For Obama, this is another step toward reducing what he calls, America’s “legacy of housing discrimination and segregation.”
HUD fuels its new classroom diversity with its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. Under AFFH, HUD ignored Congress’ constraints in the Fair Housing Act. The agency granted itself authority over housing, education, transportation and now, “socioeconomic diversity.”
The administration contends their plans are too important to be confined to any “one jurisdiction’s borders” and promotes regional solutions to accomplish its goals. HUD wants state and local educational agencies to select new sites for schools, have boundary-free open enrollment and establish more charter schools.
The Secretary wants to create better land use and planning strategies. Working in tandem, HUD, ED and DOT encourage communities to align public transportation routes, sidewalk construction, and related bus stops with schools and housing facilities. HUD wants complete streets, mass transportation, and a community participation process.
If this sounds like a backdoor to regional sustainable development, rather than economic mobility, you are right. The Department of Education even blames the urban planner’s archenemy, ‘urban sprawl,’ for decreased economic opportunities. Suddenly the replacement of local governments with unaccountable regional councils is for “the children.”
For now, HUD’s socioeconomic diversity program is voluntary. But with millions of dollars in planning and training of staff to operate Equity Assistance Centers, it will soon be more than a voluntary option.
As explained in the report, Agency Tyranny, HUD’s AFFH rule obligates grant recipients to affirmatively further fair housing for all projects involving fair housing and urban development. If that strategy fails to convince hesitant communities to comply, there is always the threat of a disparate impact suit.
Shifting voucher recipients from one classroom to another does little to provide the drive, experience and emotional maturity necessary for success. It does even less to create good-paying jobs.
HUD is exploiting parents’ desires to help their children, as cover to replace local government with regional authorities using the legal muscle of AFFH.
It is time to recognize that incompetent bureaucrats and out of control federal agencies are the real enemies of economic mobility.
Natalie Allegato
Posted at 13:16h, 23 AugustHow about creating personal responsibility in low income areas, like getting families off welfare and into jobs; hiring competent teachers, creating family values with fathers being part of childrens’ lives so that they too can be affluent. Anyone with half a brain can figure out that this is NOT to help low income students, but to dumb down students who want to be educated and to destroy affluent neighborhoods.
Victoria Smith
Posted at 13:38h, 23 AugustI see this where I live all the time. The local governments, which are comprised of folks calling themselves “conservatives”
are constantly seeking grants with all the Federal/State strings attached. These grants help pay for positions, in some
cases entirely. There has been a dramatic increase in this type of thing, and none of those on these elected Councils,
and Boards have educated themselves on what is happening; they just see dollar signs. I have taken a synopsis of
Agenda 21 to them, but have only received glazed looks. Even though, I challenge them to read it on their own (wouldn’t
take more than ten minutes), there is no doubt they have not, based on their continued actions to further this tyranny.
Posted at 16:00h, 23 AugustSame in Morris County, NJ. The Freeholders, on the whole, have made up their minds before meetings and it is very difficult to move them out.
John Anthony
Posted at 16:34h, 23 AugustI agree Lulu. I was there recently. IMO, Morris can be moved once more communities drop out and they see the consequences of the grants. You have some great Constitutionalists there.
Nancy Misasi
Posted at 17:28h, 11 OctoberLULU,
Keep up the pressure on the Morris County Freeholders. We just cannot afford to lose, especially in areas that are controlled by Republicans live Morris County.
Living in NJ I get your frustrations! Several of us went before y Town Coucil in Wanaque to have them vote against the new HUD Resolution an funding. Regrettably they voted to accept the HUD Resolution (Ordinance) but haven’t moved forward beyond that point- Why? Because a few council members and We the People are continuing our public comments during their meetings and one on one conversations with the members also.
We’ve has success too. Both Wayne and Ringwood Councils have rejected HUD Resolution and intrusion into home rule and will not sign onto the Resolution/Ordinance or seek any HUD grants!
Keep at it and don’t give your efforts!
Al Frech
Posted at 18:31h, 23 AugustIt’s the continuing attempt to abolish the suburbs,this time by slowly erasing all school district boundaries.
John Anthony
Posted at 19:31h, 23 AugustYes. AFFH operationalizes the old 1976 Vancouver Land Agreement that said land was too valuable to be owned by individuals. It had to be controlled by the state. This rule destroys local government, annihilates property rights and now backdoors regionalism through school “busing.”
Stormi Weber
Posted at 21:11h, 04 SeptemberThis is definitely is just another agency begin brought in to promote UN Agenda 21/2030. They have tried using Kerry, but that came off as stupid. They want to sell us on moving to the city, no rural housing, no farms, just windmills. No steady source of electricity, no A/C, no red meat, no refriteration, NO JOBS! Of course, as with all things socialist, they have to start by using the children, brainwashing them into pseudo-science. If that does not work, Hillary will make it a crime to express freedom of speech on the matter. None of them care about the environment or the children, this is about control and has been fro years. Oh, and money, look at Gore and his carbon credits, which do nothing to help anyone but him. If they anted to help the children, they would teach all kids, all colors, all races how to read, write and do math. They would figure the rest out for themselves. Oh, that is what they fear,: academically educated students! They want sheeple they can lead around to their own prurposes.
John Anthony
Posted at 21:49h, 04 SeptemberHUD, DOT, ED and the EPA have been leading the way to federalize education, eliminate local rule and remove personal property rights. They have made firghtening progress in tha past 40 years and doubled that under Obama.